Friday 16 October 2015

Must watch...Doggy Patrol Bite D Monkeys!! on You Tube

Superior Alien species with better hearing? Better eyesight? And enhanced sense of smell?

What's the answer to this riddle then? Nothing more mysterious than the animals in our own backyard!! Monkeys and dogs!! Why they even come knocking at your door!!

I made a techno piece "Alien Come Knockingon You Tube  and added video footage to it 
Consider this,... musicians are pretty strange people. The music language.can be written down, read and played. Just like the English language..What is the spacing of the brain neurons like inside their/our/my brains?.In terms of music frequencies..Lower as well as higher of the human hearing range,certainly. Some tones even overlap into the other dimension, when it goes below 1Hz...
Dogs and monkey ditto...

We musicians experience the other dimensions all the time, yet cannot express what we hear or feel cos there are no words for yet..Just give me a few months for time,..and stay tuned to Gwendoline Leong Munglan channel...

What's known of it, is that our brains are predominantly better developed on the right side. And that it branches out. much like tree root formations.Eg cut off a branch. it grows out two other branches...
And that radiant live foods is its nutrient. Therefore its natural Ive been a vegetarian turning raw vegan. I now consume at least 70% raw foods in my diet. Mostly the cooked foods are complex carbohydrates..